Pacific Raceways Lucas Oil Series Divisional event moved to June 12-14

Pacific Raceways and the NHRA Northwest Office have announced that the Lucas Oil Series Divisional event originally scheduled for August 14-16 has been rescheduled for June 12-14.  The Top Alcohol Classes will compete Friday August 7-8 as originally scheduled. 

The rescheduled event will feature “$5K Friday”, a guaranteed $5,000 to Win Gamblers race that Friday following morning qualifying and time trials.  Pro ET and Super Pro ET will be in competition at the event and run their eliminations on Saturday along with the popular Super Shootout Series eliminations.  Lucas Oil Eliminations will begin Sunday morning.

Further information and details on the event and schedule will be posted on the NHRA Northwest Division website and Facebook page in the months and weeks prior to the event.

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